Töpferscheibe - Individuelles Coaching
14.10 2024Lets make your individual coaching on the pottery wheel - your wishes to improve or your project - and my expertise.
Porcelain & Prosecco
04.11 2024We will discover the world of porcelain and create a few pieces. Every participant will be able to cast three Franzi.Ist products from the Solid collection (excluding large plates). We will finalise the poured pieces until they are ready to be burnt. Besides we will enjoy Prosecco or homemade icetea.
Afterwards, I will glaze your pieces with a transparent glaze, which you will be able to collect in about two weeks’ time. Sending your pieces to your home in Austria is possible.
Duration of the workshop:
1 day (18—21h)
€ 240 per person
groups are limited to four people
CampusVäre, Halle 5
Spinnergasse 1,
6850 Dornbirn
Porcelain & Prosecco
02.12 2024We will discover the world of porcelain and create a few pieces. Every participant will be able to cast three Franzi.Ist products from the Solid collection (excluding large plates). We will finalise the poured pieces until they are ready to be burnt. Besides we will enjoy Prosecco or homemade Icetea.
Afterwards, I will glaze your pieces with a transparent glaze, which you will be able to collect in about two weeks’ time. Sending your pieces to your home in Austria is possible.
Duration of the workshop:
1 day (18—21h)
€ 240 per person
groups are limited to four people
CampusVäre, Halle 5
Spinnergasse 1,
6850 Dornbirn